Tuesday, May 14, 2013

After months and many hours of research, pondering, acquiring gear, going over maps, and gathering the know how of what it takes to set off on such an endeavor.....

In just one week it begins....Sarah and I will be headed North, by way of a seventeen hour Amtrak ride, to our starting point on the TransAmerica route, Astoria, Oregon, on the Western edge of these United States. After one month of regular training rides on the mountainous roads around our winter dwelling in the Eastern Sierras I feel we're pushing off in pretty good starting shape. A recent one hundred mile weekend with fully loaded bikes went very well leaving us with only the standard tired legs and sore behinds.....no doubt being perched on a bike seat for six hours a day will take some getting used to.

The route will take us through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, and Virginia.....through the Cascade and Rocky mountain ranges, down into
the flat terrain of the Great Plains, next passing through the Appalachian  range to the ending point in Yorktown, VA. 4,234 miles in total.

We decided a blog would be a good way to share our pictures and stories as we peddle our bikes from day to day, place to place, and State to State.....so follow along or check in on us from time to time. 


  1. there is a whole group of fans (two and four legged) wishing you a wonderful adventure! :) ej

  2. Thank you Erin! It's finally happening and I'm on the couch watching good morning America. Get it together Sarah, Matt can't do this alone!
