Pushing off from the Newton Bike Shop somewhat early we had plans for a big 80+ mile day...nature had other plans. We spent hours pedaling hard and only going 6-7mph due to a stiff headwind and the terrain changing from totally flat to never ending (at least it felt that way at the time) rolling hills. We huffed and puffed for the better part of the day only to go 36 miles. We would crest the top of a hill only to look out and see another series of three rolling hills over the next mile....over and over again. But nevertheless we persevered, as we always do, to find this really nice pavilion in the town park to spend the night.
The next day was what we wish all of Kansas would've been!....healthy cornfields, lush woods, actual flowing streams, green, green, and more green. We stopped and watched a handful of turtles crawl across the road, as birds and locusts competed fiercely for dominance of the airwaves. The evening hours that day were easily the best of Kansas…no wind, perfect golden light, coyotes yelping in salute, eagles soaring, all ending in a lake view campground all to ourselves. The next morning we peddled a fast-paced 40 miles to the town of Chanute, KS, where Sarah's uncle Art picked us up to hang out in Tulsa/Broken Arrow, Oklahoma with some of Sarah's family for a couple days. It's been very relaxing...great hospitality, a home-cooked meal, a bed to sleep in, and I'm actually writing this from a comfortable chair instead of a picnic table with a sticky top or random laundry room. Much thanks to Nel and Richard for having us! Monday morning we're headed back to the life of touring cyclists. We penciled out our miles and we decided to rent a pick up truck and skip around 200 miles in order to visit with family in Michigan on a specific date. So Tuesday morning we'll be pushing off on the Katy Trail in Missouri, which is a "rails to trails" path.....an old railroad that has since been converted to a hikers/biker path. We'll be headed East on the Katy Trail for some 125+ miles across Missouri before turning North and heading towards Michigan/Indiana up through Illinois. Wish us luck!